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Chapelle Notre-Dame de Gourmalon

A hundred-year-old chapel. As there was no footbridge between Gourmalon and the city centre of Pornic, the parishioners had some difficulties to come over to church. They got the idea to build a chapel against the Clergy's opinion. The chapel of Gourmalon was opened on March 1st 1909.

Address : Rue Charles Babin
44210 PORNIC

Presentation of: Chapelle Notre-Dame de Gourmalon

In 1873, the union of property owners of Gourmalon decided to have the chapel built in spite of the clergy's opposition. The chapel was actually built and financed by the very inhabitants of Gourmalon.
Opened on March 1st 1909, it is not part of the goods' inventory which was confiscated at the time of the separation of State and Church. It entirely remained under the responsibility of the parish of Pornic. Waiting for an incumbent and against the stubbernness of the parish, the residents of Gourmalon asked directly in Rome and received a favourable decision. Since then, the chapel has been a shelter for the Catholic religion.

Sunday masses only in the summer.
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Pets allowed

Other: Patrimoine religieux

Abbaye Royale


The abbey was founded in 682 AD on a limestone islet. Following the Concordat of 1516, it became a royal abbey.

Eglise Saint-Nicolas


The basilica-style church stands out from the neo-Gothic buildings that abounded in the 19th century.