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Eglise Saint-Maixent

14th century Romanesque church

Address : Rue du 8 Mai 1945

Contact: Eglise Saint-Maixent

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Presentation of: Eglise Saint-Maixent

This church is dedicated to Saint-Maixent, who attracts pilgrims thanks to his reputation as a healer. It was built in the 14th century on the site of the original chapel belonging to a Benedictine monastery, close to the old fishing village of Le Jard.

The church has been listed on the Inventaire supplémentaire des Monuments Historiques since 3 April 1984.
Opening times
Open all year round
Site theme
Site category
Registered and listed sites
Architectural style of the site
Free tours (individuelles): Yes
Free tours (groupes): Yes
Further information
Pets not allowed
Visible point of interest without tour

Other: Patrimoine religieux

Abbaye Royale


The abbey was founded in 682 AD on a limestone islet. Following the Concordat of 1516, it became a royal abbey.