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Maison Renaissance

Built in 1566, the Maison Renaissance is one of the oldest buildings in La Roche-sur-Yon.

Address : 10, rue du Vieux-Marché
85000 La Roche-sur-Yon

Contact: Maison Renaissance

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Presentation of: Maison Renaissance

The Maison Renaissance is a 16th-century residence that dominates the Place de la Vieille Horloge, the heart of the old town.

It is used as a venue for various artistic exhibitions.
Site theme
House and building
Site category
Registered and listed sites
Architectural style of the site
Visit languages
Visit: French
Access map, location
SNCF train station: 1,4 Km
Bus station: 1 Km
Public transport: 0,2 Km
Spoken language
Further information
Pets not allowed
Visible point of interest without tour
© Solène Coll
© Solène Coll
© Lucille Thobie

Other: Autres monuments et patrimoines