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Musee Andre Deluol

Sculptures, paintings, drawings and pastels, former studio of the artist André Deluol. Beaches of the South Vendée and Coastal Retro.

Address :
4 rue de l'Etendard

Contact: Musee Andre Deluol

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Presentation of: Musee Andre Deluol

André Deluol, who was born in Valence in the Drôme in 1909 and died in St Michel en L'Herm in 2003, was a distinguished sculptor who remained faithful to the French school (Maillol, Despiau...). "With the birth of contemporary art, plastic beauty was neglected", he observed. That's why his inspiration was the human body. "Why should we look for beauty anywhere else? So he sculpted all its generosity and harmony. His works were commissioned by the state and the private sector. His sculptures can be admired in several French cities. With a confident hand, he carved his works directly from stone, marble or wood, and created statuettes in pâte de verre (Daum).

Visits can be arranged on request outside these times.

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Museum theme
Fine arts
Artist's house
Museum category
Private museum
Discounted rate starting from 3.00€ (Etudiants et scolaires. Gratuit - 7 ans)
Price for subscribers starting from 7.00€ (Visite de l'Abbaye Royale et du musée André Deluol)
Group price starting from 3.00€ (Min 10 personnes)
Full adult price starting from 4.00€
Payment methods
Cheques and postal orders
Holiday vouchers
Free tours (individuelles): Yes
Guided tours on request (individuelles): Yes
Average duration of visit (individuelles) : @duration of visit
Free tours (groupes): Yes
Guided tours on request (groupes): Yes
Average duration of visit (groupes) : @duration of visit
Visit languages
Visit: French, English
Billboards: French, German, English, Dutch
Spoken language
Further information
Groups accepted from 10 to 20 persons
Pets not allowed

Other: Musées et centres d'interprétation