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Jardins du chateau de Lorriere

Address : Rue de l'Aurière
Dissé sous le Lude
72800 LE LUDE

Contact: Jardins du chateau de Lorriere

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Presentation of: Jardins du chateau de Lorriere

Opening times
Theme of the park and garden
Pleasure garden
Architectural style of the park and garden
A la française
Category of park and garden
Protected parks and gardens under the Historic Monuments programme
Children's price starting from 0.00€ (jusqu'à 21 ans)
Full adult price starting from 5.00€
Price for large families starting from 10.00€ (Forfait 4 personnes)
Free tours (individuelles): Yes
Guided tours on request (individuelles): Yes
Guided tours on request (groupes): Yes
H. de Bresson
H. de Bresson
H. de Bresson
H. de Bresson
H. de Bresson

Other: Parcs et jardins

Etang du Plessis Bergeret


This 8-hectare pond, fed by the Astiers stream and formerly owned by the diocese of Luçon, was used by the Yonnais as a swimming p



Sheltered from the hustle and bustle of town life, facing south towards the Sèvre Nantaise, the Jardins de la Cure offer beautiful