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Parc du Chateau de Craon

A rare plant and architectural heritage.

Address :
Château de Craon avenue de Champagné
53400 CRAON

Contact: Parc du Chateau de Craon

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Presentation of: Parc du Chateau de Craon

Book online

Opening times
from 01/04/2025 to 01/11/2025
Sunday from 13:00 to 19:00
Monday from 13:00 to 19:00
Tuesday from 13:00 to 19:00
Wednesday from 13:00 to 19:00
Thursday from 13:00 to 19:00
Friday from 13:00 to 19:00
Closing days: Fermé le samedi
Opening days: 13h-19h
Theme of the park and garden
Type of park and garden
Vegetable garden
Greenhouse and orangery
Architectural style of the park and garden
A la française
English style garden
Category of park and garden
Protected parks and gardens under the Historic Monuments programme
Full adult price starting from 5.00€ (adultes à partir de 18 ans)
Children's price starting from 0.00€ (gratuit pour les moins de 6 ans.)
Discounted rate starting from 3.50€ (moins de 18 ans, étudiant, famille nombreuse)
Group price starting from 3.50€ (groupe à partir de 15 pers.)
Child group tarif starting from 2.50€ (groupe à partir de 15 pers.)
Full adult price starting from 10.00€ (Visite guidée château + visite libre parc)
Discounted rate starting from 8.00€ (tarif réduit visite guidée château + visite libre parc)
Payment methods
Credit card
Cheques and postal orders
Holiday vouchers
Free tours (individuelles): Yes
Free tours (groupes): Yes
Visit languages
Visit: French, English
Billboards: French, English
Access map, location
Road (national / local): 0 Km
Motorway: 35 Km
Airport / aerodrome: 100 Km
SNCF train station: 30 Km
Spoken language
Games area
Further information
Groups accepted starting from 15 persons
Pets allowed (chiens tenus en laisse.)
De Guebriant
S Lancelot de Guébriant
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De Guebriant
De Guebriant
De Guebriant
De Guebriant
château de Craon
Mathieu de Pasquale
S Lancelot
S Lancelot

Other: Parcs et jardins