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Le cimetiere militaire britannique

Cemetery with 399 Commonwealth soldiers' tombs.

Address : Rue de la Croix Moinard
44210 PORNIC

Presentation of: Le cimetiere militaire britannique

Among those 399 tombs in the English Cemetery, 200 British soldiers, as well as Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, South Africans and Indians are buried there, following the disastrous shipwreck of the Lancastria on June 17th 1940.

There are also some military tombs in the cemeteries in Le Clion and Sainte Marie sur Mer.
Site theme
Civil cemetary
Military and memorial cemetary
Free tours (individuelles): Yes
Guided tours (individuelles): Yes
Further information
Pets allowed (Tenus en laisse uniquement)

Other: Autres monuments et patrimoines

Moulin Cyprien


Since the 15th century, the River Sarthe has relentlessly turned the waterwheel of Cyprien Mill Near the mill, the wood furnace ta