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Jardin medieval du Manoir de Sourches

This manor dating from the Middle Ages is surrounded by a French-style rose garden.

Address :

Presentation of: Jardin medieval du Manoir de Sourches

Opening times
from 21/09/2024 to 22/09/2024
Sunday from 14:30 to 18:30
Saturday from 14:30 to 18:30
Opening days: Ouvert week-end des Journées Européennes du Patrimoine
Theme of the park and garden
Architectural style of the park and garden
A la française
Full adult price starting from 5.00€
Children's price from 0.00€ to 2.50€ (Gratuit moins de 12 ans)
Discounted rate starting from 2.50€ (tarif étudiant)
Payment methods
Cheques and postal orders
Visit languages
Visit: English
Access map, location
Road (national / local): 4 Km
Motorway: 7 Km
SNCF train station: 8 Km
Riverside stop: 8 Km
Spoken language
Further information
Groups accepted
Pets not allowed

Other: Parcs et jardins