Discover the giant works in the Ackerman cellars!
In Saumur, take part in a tour of the Ackerman cellars and discover two monumental works along the way: one unveils a huge celestial river glowing along the walls, the other features a nine-metre-high UFO inside a stone gallery...
Like a spaceship run aground in the Ackerman cellars
Get ready to be amazed. Plunged underground in the Ackerman cellars, deep in the "tuffeau" rock, you have just left the space dedicated to the company's advertising posters when several contemporary works appear. You step forward a few metres and suddenly get a shock. In front of you stands a monumental nine-metre-high sphere, truncated to look like a spaceship that has run aground.
A work with many different facets!
Like an explorer, you timidly approach the Monument Synthétique, created by the artist Vincent Mauger from plastic crates, that evoke those used for the harvest. You quickly discover that the different faces of this imposing structure change depending on your viewpoint. You explore all the facets of the work by walking round and round it, when some kind of obscure delight attracts your attention from a little further away...
A celestial river flowing along 45 kilometres of cotton thread
You then discover another gallery that seems to literally dumbfound those curious and daring enough to step inside. It houses an incredible flood of blue glowing gently in the darkness and giving the impression of flowing along the rocky walls. This work, by Julien Salaud, interlaces 45 kilometres of cotton thread between 65,000 nails to make up his Fleuve Céleste! Visitors immerse themselves in this gigantic creation, over 60 metres in length, that reveals mythological figures, magical animals, dreamlike flora and abstract shapes. The ingenious creative process means that the installation is revealed and changes in different ways as you move along it, unveiling new elements with every step you take. You're bound to spend a long time there, contemplating this improbable landscape. It truly is magical.