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Cercle Nautique de Piriac-sur-Mer

Address : Maison de la Mer
1 rue du Fort Baron

Contact: Cercle Nautique de Piriac-sur-Mer

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Presentation of: Cercle Nautique de Piriac-sur-Mer

Pleasure sailing is an activity which is mostly practiced in summer with possible stop off points on the islands of Dumet, Hoëdic, Houat, Belle Ile, or at le Golfe du Morbihan. The more intrepid sailor can head for the island to the north of Brittany and the British Iles.
Fishing is an ever popular sport at any time of the year. You just have to count the number of boats just off of the coast of Piriac at any given time to come to this conclusion.
Competitive sailing is done aboard so called ‘live-aboards’ and is concentrated mostly around two events: The Spring Championships (January-April) and The Autumn Championships (October to December) on both periods there are races every fortnight.
Type of facilities
Nautical base or club
Payment methods
Cheques and postal orders
Car park