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Sentier pedestre La Vallee de la Smagne

La Vallée de la Smagne-Bessay-12km

Address :
85320 BESSAY

Contact: Sentier pedestre La Vallee de la Smagne

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Presentation of: Sentier pedestre La Vallee de la Smagne

This path offers a lovely walk in a wild, green setting and leads to the banks of the Smagne. Stone scrapers and polished axes found at the confluence of the Lay and Smagne rivers bear witness to a very ancient past. The Châtelard Oppidum (Gallo-Roman period), a defensive camp set in a loop of the Smagne, is also the oldest vestige of the area and served as natural protection.
From the wash-house, which dates back to the 19th century, head for the church, which underwent several restorations following the storm of 1972 and a fire in 1992...
Type of routes/Nature of route
Promenade et Randonnée (PR) footpath
Departure town
Arrival town
12 Km
Means of transport
Walking, difficulty level: Easy, duration: 3h
Colour of tag
Documents to be downloaded

Other: A pied