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Illustrator and sculptor specialising in articulated dolls (BJD, Ball Jointed Doll)

Address : 7 rue de la Poste
Place du Champ de Foire
from 300.00€Individual price - no discount


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Presentation of: CREATURES DOLLS

The Creatures Dolls adventure began in 2011 when I decided to present my first BJD (xb12) at Ldoll (Lyon, France). What was just an artistic field of exploration soon became my full-time job!
After a lot of good feedback, I decided to give up my work as a draughtsman/illustrator for modelling and to group my creations under the name 'Creatures Dolls': that's what I want to emphasise in my creations, the strange or bizarre side while retaining an elegant and graceful side, that's what I find interesting and what stimulates my imagination!

Creatures Dolls is also a small business because I'm in charge on my own. I'm in charge of creating the models, the design, the orders, the parcels, the administration, the promotion, the trade shows... it's a lot of work! But at least it's varied!
Opening times
Open all year round
Business sector
Handcraft art
Type of product
Toys and games
Individual price - no discount from 300.00€ to 700.00€ (En fonction de la commande)
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Visit languages
Visit: French
Access map, location
: 0 Km
SNCF train station: 9 Km
Sea side: 24 Km
Spoken language
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