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Camping - Le Beaupre

Address : 141 Route de Kervarin

Contact: Camping - Le Beaupre

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Presentation of: Camping - Le Beaupre

Located between the sea and the salt marshes, a stone’s throw from the small port of Kercabellec we look forward to welcoming you to our family camping site in its wooded setting. On offer we have: pitches for tents, caravans as well as the hire of mobile homes and holiday rentals* (*open all year round).
Quality label ranking
3 star
Type of organisation
Payment methods
Credit card
Cheques and postal orders
Holiday vouchers
Number of pitches : 43
Number of rental pitches : 17
Number of pitches for campervans : 24
Spoken language
Leased equipment
Mobile home
Common facilities
Further information
Pets allowed
le beaupre
le beaupre
le beaupre
le beaupre
le beaupre

Other: Campings