The village of Refuge de Grasla recreates the daily life of the local population who took refuge in the forest during the Vendée W
The village of Refuge de Grasla recreates the daily life of the local population who took refuge in the forest during the Vendée W
It is above all a unique testimony of the metamorphosis experienced by the rural world in just under two centuries.
The Moulin des Gourmands overlooks the commune of Saint Révérend, in the Vendée, and takes you on a guided tour to reveal all the
L'Atelier de la Sardine retraces the history and craftsmanship of the last cannery in Vendée through a visit to the interactive mu
In the Renaissance period, the old medieval fortress was turned into a comfortable residence by Louis XI’s chamberlain, Jean de Da
The Ferme du Marais Poitevin is an educational and holiday farm that welcomes you to its local breeds (Baudets du Poitou, Brebis S