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Circuit du Puits Sale - Ligne

Le Puits-Salé is a large 16th-century residence that has retained its original architecture (small openings, dark stonework). The central dwelling features a square tower. Outbuildings with a bread oven and wash-house complete the estate.

Contact: Circuit du Puits Sale - Ligne

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Presentation of: Circuit du Puits Sale - Ligne

Points of interest :

Hardetenière: comes from the word hart, meaning rope. One of the only jobs open to lepers was that of tailor.

Saint-Philbert: in 1679, there was a chapel dedicated to Saint-Philbert or Philibert, part of the seigneury of the priory of Saint-Géréon.
Type of routes/Nature of route
Promenade et Randonnée (PR) footpath
Departure town
Arrival town
9,5 Km
Means of transport
Walking, difficulty level: Average, duration: 2h20min
Cyclotourist, difficulty level: Average, duration: 45min
Equestrian, difficulty level: Average, duration: 1h20min
en montée 68m
en descente -69m
Colour of tag

Other: Fêtes et manifestations