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Aire de service camping-car de Clisson

Service poin for camping car. ZA of Calin, Route de Nantes (in front of the Le Moulin Camping)

Address : ZA de Calin, Route de Nantes
Camping du Moulin

Contact: Aire de service camping-car de Clisson

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Presentation of: Aire de service camping-car de Clisson

Service area managed by the Camping du moulin. Free draining for all. Water: 3€ the token. (on sale in the reception of the camping) (during the off-season (the middle of April to the middle of October). · on sale in the Tourist office (historic center, square of the Minage) except the season of opening of the camping · free token for campers in the camping.
This service area is not a parking area. The carpark of campers is forbidden in front of the camping. The camping proposes a fixed price stage harms in 9,50 € (without electricity) or 13,50 € with electricity. Valid price valid for a single night.
Services: free draining for all
Opening times
Open all year round
Type of organisation
Motorhome service area
Access map, location
SNCF train station: 1 Km
Wastewater drainage
Further information
Pets allowed
Open 24 hours a day

Other: Aires de camping-car

Aire de camping-car Super U


In the car park of Super U L'Aiguillon sur Mer. Open 24/24
Services :
Free waste water emptying